Member-Managed LLC vs. Manager-Managed LLC
If you’re interested in forming an LLC, it’s important to recognize another important choice you’ll need to make along the way — your LLCs management structure.
If you’re interested in forming an LLC, it’s important to recognize another important choice you’ll need to make along the way — your LLCs management structure.
Many people dream of the day they get to be their own boss, set their own schedule and choose which clients to work with. In fact, our state of small business survey found that 47% of Americans have...
There are a number of benefits to choosing a series LLC as your business structure. You get necessary liability protection, plus business flexibility. But what many business owners don’t think about...
Performing a Texas business entity search can give you valuable information. Perhaps you're choosing the name of your business. Choosing the right name is dependent on making sure no other business...
If you’re asking yourself, “What business can I start during and/or after college?” you’ve come to the right place. Here are 10 of the best businesses to start while in college or right out of...
Too many fiscal responsibilities? Worried about cash flow? If that sounds like you, you're certainly not alone. But opening a business bank account is one simple, headache-free way to combat these...
For small business owners, it’s important to be thinking about taxes throughout the year and not just in April. But, if you’re an influencer or starting a social media influencer business, does this...
To get ready to file your business taxes, you’ll want to take note of the common tax deductions and credits in this list. If you find some that apply to your business, be sure to collect the...
You’ve found out that someone else is using a similar business name to yours. What do you do?
For many small business owners getting into retail, the natural choice for the last 10 years or so has been to open an online, digital ecommerce store.