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We understand that questions come up every turn of your business
Find out more about the filing requirements, taxes and fees you may be responsible for when forming a business.
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Not sure if a Corporation or an LLC is right for you? Read the comparison below to review the fundamental differences.
Unlike the corporation the LLC is not required to hold meetings annually or maintain bylaws furthermore ownership is expressed by the % each member owns unlike the corporation where ownership is represented by shares of stock.
The LLC is the most versatile of all entity types as members can elect receive the same tax treatment of an S or C Corporation. The ease of management, limited liability and ability to designate corporate tax treatment make the LLC our most favored entity type.
Any profits or losses on the business will pass through directly to the member's personal tax return and are treated as personal income and taxed on an individual level.
The stricter formalities give investors the knowledge they desire about how your company is run.
If you are planning to raise capital or to take the company public in the future the corporation is structured for that purpose.
The corporation itself pays taxes, and any dividends paid to the shareholders are treated as personal income and are subject to additional taxation at the individual level.