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Join the 1,000,000+ businesses that have chosen Incfile.
Company Changes
Business Formation
Start an LLC, S Corp, C Corp, or nonprofit here.
File when you need to expand your entity to new states.
File if a company requires changes to membership, addresses, or company name.
Formally terminate the existence of an entity.
Get Reinstated
Get your business back up and running after dissolution.
File if your company requires an assumed business or fictitious name.
Virtual Address
Protect your privacy, secure a street address for your biz, and check your mail from anywhere.
Certificate of Good Standing
Get proof of your business's status and compliance.
Business License Search
Keep your business legal and compliant at the local, state, and federal levels.
Trademark Name Search
Protect your name, logo, or tagline and keep your brand strong.
Annual Report
File to keep your business compliant and in good standing with your state.
Corporate and LLC Kit
Put your stamp of approval on your biz with a customized binder and embossing seal.
Registered Agent
Order Registered Agent
Order our Registered Agent service and receive your new Registered Agent information immediately.
Renew Registered Agent
Renew your existing Registered Agent service.
Change Registered Agent
Update the Registered Agent on file with the state of formation.
IRS Filings
EIN and Tax ID
Acquire an EIN or Tax ID to open a bank account, file taxes, and submit payroll taxes.
File Business Taxes
Work with a tax professional to file your federal business tax return.
File S Corp Election
Reduce the tax you pay by having your LLC treated as an S Corp for tax purposes.
Free Tax Consultation
Uncover savings with expert advice from a small business accountant.
Loved by 1,000,000+ Entrepreneurs Across All 50 States
Incfile is the best! Professional & always available to answer all my questions. I'm so grateful.
"Incfile has been great to work with. Their prices are reasonable and they exceed expectations"
"Easy, smooth, one of the best business decisions I’ve ever made, was to utilize Incfile"
"Great experience overall. I would recommend Incfile to anyone just starting out."
"Always easy, always fantastic. Used this company for over 5 years. Thanks for a great company."
"The process was easy. The service is amazing. The products are top notch. What else can you ask for."
Bring Your Business to Life — It’s Free, It’s Easy, and It’s Stress-Free
See our business formation packages.