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What Is a DBA? How Do They Benefit My Small Business?

Many small business owners looking for alternatives to forming an LLC often come across DBAs (“Doing Business As”), also known as a fictitious business name or trade name. While a DBA may be right...


How to File a DBA in Florida When You Live in a Different State

After you register as a limited liability company (LLC), you might want to operate your business under a different name. This operational name, seen by your customers and the rest of the world, is...


How to File a DBA in All 50 States

If you've ever wanted to do business under a different name without needing to create a whole new business, then a DBA is the solution you need. DBA technically stands for "doing business as," but...


Four Ways to Register Your Business Name in 2022

One of the fun and exciting steps of the process of starting a business is that you get to create your own business name.


Do You Need a DBA If Your Domain Name Doesn't Match Your Business Name?

You’ve found the perfect name for your business.


How to Register + Apply for a DBA Online

There are times in the life of your business when you may need to make a name adjustment. Often, instead of completely changing the name of your business, you can simply file for a DBA, or "Doing...


Getting a DBA in California — From San Diego to Redding

Choosing a name for your California business isn't as straightforward as you might think. And the name you choose may not be the only name you'll use. That's when you might need a DBA, or "Doing...


How to File a DBA in Texas

While Texas is known for its simple business regulations, the state does have some unique forms, requirements and terminology for small business owners to navigate. If you’re starting or doing...


Can I Use the Same DBA Name for Two Entities That I Own?

Having a DBA — or “Doing Business As” name — for your small business can help when it comes to connecting your fictitious company name to your product or service.


Is it Risky to Start My Small Ecommerce Business Without Filing a DBA?

Does your ecommerce store need to register for a DBA?