1. State of Formation

Quickly calculator your sales taxes
Need to know what sales tax to charge your customers, or how much state sales tax you should be paying? Our easy-to-use calculator helps you look up the state sales tax rate for your area. Just enter your location below.
Calculate your tax amount

2. Total Revenue from Sales
Fill out your revenue
Select State where your business was registered
Select State where your business was registered and fill out your revenue
Calculate your tax amount
{! result.state.tax_rate !}%
{! stateSelected !} state tax
${! formatMoney(revenue) !}
Your revenue
Your total tax amount
${! formatMoney((revenue * result.state.tax_rate) / 100) !}
Additional municipality taxes may apply
Visit {! stateSelected !} Secretary of State for more information.
Additional tax rates for a few of the top cities in {! stateSelected !}
Note: You may also need to add municipality and/or city rates depending on your location.
{! result.topCity[0].text !}
{! result.topCity[0].tax !}
{! result.topCity[1].text !}
{! result.topCity[1].tax !}
{! result.topCity[2].text !}
{! result.topCity[2].tax !}
{! result.topCity[3].text !}
{! result.topCity[3].tax !}
Explore other {! stateSelected !} cities
{! row[0] !}
{! row[1] !}
{! row[2] !}
{! row[3] !}
{! row[4] !}