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What Is Ordinary Income and How Is It Different From Earned Income?

As a small business owner, one thing you’ll want to be aware of is how your income is treated by the IRS. Not knowing this from the start will only cause complications, headaches, and costly...


Digital Nomads: Here’s Your Quick Guide to Finances & Taxes and Your Remote Business

You need money to run a successful digital nomad business because trips across the world don't pay for themselves. Here are our six tips on staying financially healthy as a digital nomad.


Quickly Discover How Incorporating an LLC Can Save Money on Taxes (Using an S Corporation Tax Calculator)

Tax season might’ve passed for this year, but it’s never too late to think about how you can save money on next year's taxes! One key way small business owners can do this is by forming an S...


Don't Miss Filing a Schedule C Form This Tax Season

Tax season is often a stressful time of year, especially if you are a small business owner with a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or other corporate entity for tax purposes. Filing a business tax...


Small business owners share financing tips for startups

As business owners get into the swing of 2010 finances, it may be worthwhile to consider theDiscover Small Business Watch‘s top financing tips for the new decade. The tips are based on survey results...


New Tax Bill: Consider Making These Changes Before the End of the Year

If you've watched the news for even 10 minutes during December, you've undoubtedly heard about the new tax bill that has been passed. With so much being said about this bill, it can be hard to...


Are You a Single-Owner LLC in Kansas? Understand Your Tax Breaks

When Benjamin Franklin said, "Nothing is certain except for death and taxes,” he meant that we can't avoid either. Unfortunately, one more certainty is that tax laws will always be there to confuse...


Entrepreneurs Take Note: Business Tax Trends for 2017

So you've most likely just wrapped up filing your 2016 taxes for your small business. And before you take a breather from business tax, you'll want to take note of tax-related matters that affect...


Tax cuts offer benefits for small business owners

As entrepreneurs looking to start a corporation prepare for the new year, it would benefit them to take a step back and review new tax regulations that could change their plans for the immediate...


Best and Worst States for Business Taxes

If you're starting a small business, it's smart to consider the business taxes in the state where your company is operating. But how can you determine the best business taxes by state for...

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