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New Tax Bill: Consider Making These Changes Before the End of the Year

If you've watched the news for even 10 minutes during December, you've undoubtedly heard about the new tax bill that has been passed. With so much being said about this bill, it can be hard to...


5 Home-Based Business Ideas for Moms

Is there any job in the world that's better than being a mom? You get to mold the life of a little human being, hear giggles that will melt your heart and feel the immeasurable satisfaction of...


5 Things to Get Your Amazon FBA Business off the Ground

Did you know that there are over 54 million Amazon Prime members and that in 2015 approximately 44 percent of online shoppers chose Amazon as their first stop before checking any other website?...


​Quick Business Tip: Understanding the Differences Between LLC vs. Inc.

Chances are you've seen countless business names with the letters "LLC" or "Inc." at the end. Maybe you never gave them a second thought...until now, when you're planning to start your own...


10 Podcasts for Solopreneurs

There has never been a time in history that has presented such a vast array of opportunities for entrepreneurs. 


​Startups: You Should Form Corporations, Not Partnerships. Here's Why.

Let's say you and your friend have a great idea for a new product. You've brainstormed how you want to package it, decided what online platforms you'll use to reach your customers and created a...


Do you need an LLC for an MLM? (like Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, etc)

Mary Kay, It Works!, Pampered Chef, Younique and other network marketing companies have been empowering women in business for years. The flexibility and additional income have allowed many...


Are You a Single-Owner LLC in Kansas? Understand Your Tax Breaks

When Benjamin Franklin said, "Nothing is certain except for death and taxes,” he meant that we can't avoid either. Unfortunately, one more certainty is that tax laws will always be there to confuse...


Understanding Your Business License Needs: Cost & Renewal

Tons of things are just plain exciting when you're dreaming about starting your own business: What are you going to call it? What is the store front going to look like? What products are going to...


​Do Amateur App Developers Need to Form an LLC?

As of June 2016, there were more than 2 million apps available in Apple’s App Store and 2.2 million apps for Android users. With make-your-own app programs readily available and a huge market of...