1 (888) 462-3453

How to File a DBA in Texas

While Texas is known for its simple business regulations, the state does have some unique forms, requirements and terminology for small business owners to navigate. If you’re starting or doing...


20 Businesses You Can Start with $1,000

You don’t need a ton of money in the bank to start a business. In fact, many of today’s largest companies started in garages or basements — bootstrapping it until they made it big.


How to Market Your Small Business: Easy & Effective Ideas for $5K-$10K

Marketing doesn’t have to be a source of overwhelm, and it doesn’t have to be a huge investment either. Investing in a fancy branding strategy or hiring a big-deal marketing firm might work for some...


3 Reasons Why It's Beneficial to Use a Single Registered Agent for Multi-State Business

If you’re doing business in multiple states, then you already know that things can get pretty complicated pretty quickly after your business crosses its first state border. From knowing the tax laws...


How to Start Your Own Fitness Tech Business in 30 Days

For many people, working out is inextricably linked to technology. Whether it’s a wearable, a scheduling app or a virtual personal trainer, the technology is as much a part of the workout as the...


How to Get a Business License in Georgia on Your Own in 4 Steps

Whether you're starting your business or expanding into the great state of Georgia, getting a business license is a step many business owners need to take. Georgia happens to be a state with more...


What Are Financial Ratios? Top Financial Ratios Every Business Owner Should Know About.

As a small business owner without an accounting background, your eyes may glaze over when you see the term financial ratio. What are financial ratios? Don't fret; financial ratios use your company's...


21 Cheapest Business to Start Under $500

So you want to know what type of business you can start with $500? Or maybe you're asking, what business can I start with $0? The good news is that starting your own business doesn’t have to cost a...


Solopreneurs: Here Are the Next 5 Steps After Incorporating Your Business

You've been busy dreaming up your business, making a business plan, securing a business name and registering your LLC. Now what? A record 5.39 million new business applications were filed in 2021,...


5 Non-Negotiable Considerations in Finding the Right Accountant for Your Small Business

You've got a thriving small business on your hands. You're providing a service to your consumers, and they're thanking you with the one thing that every business needs to succeed — revenue. Your...